
Friday, October 12, 2012

my 2nd...

How time flies... Last February, I discovered I was pregnant... Now, 1st of October it is... my 2nd child was born.  I was so happy... everybody was too!

Let me tell you my journey...

I, at the back of my mind wanted another baby.  So, I was planning to go on diet and have an exercise regimen.  This was deciphered in my mind early December of 2011.  But as days passed none of those two regimen were put to practice.  Well, anyway I still don't have the will power to do it.

Came February, my hubby told me that I might be pregnant.  So I took a PT kit and rest was history... the birds and the bees... hey I was pregnant!  I immediately went to my OBGYNE and I told her my pregnancy history... that I had 3 miscarriage after my first born... and i'm pregnant again... my 5th pregnancy at the age of 37.  She lay her cards... one day at a time, she said. My OB GYNE gave me medicines to keep my uterus strong... vitamins for the baby... and test to make me healthy for the baby.

After a 39 weeks my baby was born October 1, 2012 via ceasarian section because a meconium stain was seen when my water broke. She was named KAEYLA DJERDIN RAMIREZ DELOS REYES.  Her second name was a combination of the named of her 2 grandfathers... JER for Jeremias (My hubby's dad) and DIN from Dindo (My father's pet name).

My family is complete... I have a husband who I know loves me very much , a Son who is mabait and malambing, and now a daughter who I wish will grow up God fearing and very loving to her family.

Thank you God for all the blessings... thank you for my family... what more can I ask?

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